The amount of information that a cathode ray tube screen displays. 阴极射线管屏幕所显示的信息总量。
Distortion: ( 1) An undesirable change in the characteristics of a visual image, such as those images appearing at the corners of a cathode ray tube. 畸变:(1)视觉影像所产生的不良变化。例如阴极射线管的壁角上的影像。
Fibre optic faceplate cathode ray tube 纤维光学面板阴极射线管
And if I evacuate it, I have a cathode ray tube. 如果我对其抽真空,我会得到一根阴极射线管。
Three dispatchers were scanning cathode ray tube displays for information. 三名调度员正在研究阴极射线管所显示的情报。
The secondary backscattered electron current is used to modulate the intensity of an electron beam in a cathode ray tube ( CRT). 二次电子或背散射电子的电流被用来调制阴极射线管(CRT)中电子束的强度。
In a scanning system ( optical character recognition, cathode ray tube), the movement of the scanning element from the end of one scanned line to the beginning of the next. 在扫描系统(光学字符认别,阴极射线管),光点从一行的末端到下一行的始端的运动。
In cathode ray tube display, the continuation of light emission from phosphor after excitation by the electron beam. 在阴极射线管显示器中,用电子束激励后荧光物质光发射的持续现象。
Softcopy is a nonpermanent display image, example: a cathode ray tube display. 软拷贝是一种非永久性的显示图像,如:阴极射线管显示。
In computer graphics, an undesirable pulsation of a display image on a cathode ray tube that usually occurs when the refresh rate is low. 在计算机制图技术中,阴极射线管显示图象中不希望出现的波动,通常在刷新率较低时出现。
A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
Display unit: A visual means of showing characters; using a cathode ray tube, gas discharge or other type of device. 显示器:一种视觉媒介,它用阴极射线、气体放电或其他装置来显现字符。
Pertaining to a small computer in which inputs are by keyboard and inputs and outputs are displayed on the screen of an integral cathode ray tube. 用于修饰或说明小型计算机,用键盘输入,输入和输出可显示在内装的阴极射线管的屏幕上。
The so-called visual display unit is in fact a cathode ray tube. 所谓可见显示装置实际上是一个阴极射线管。
Immediate-access cathode ray tube storage 立即访问阴极射线管存储器
Release and Transform of Lead from the Glass of Cathode Ray Tube ( CRT) Following Its Entrance in the Soil 废旧阴极射线管(CRT)显示器玻壳进入土壤后铅的释放及转化
Double recessive An organism containing both recessive alleles of a particular gene and thus expressing the recessive form of the gene in its phenotype. ( 2) The surface of a cathode ray tube upon which information can be displayed. 双隐性:一个生物体包含一对隐性等位基因,则表现为隐性性状。(2)用来预示信息的隐含射线管的表面。
The biggest factor boosting demand is emerging markets, where economic growth is strong, and consumers are starting to replace cathode ray tube TVs with flat-panel displays. 需求增长的最大推动力来自新兴市场,那里的经济增长强劲,消费者正开始以平板电视取代阴极射线管(CRT)电视。
Detoxification of waste cathode ray tube funnel glass by vacuum-aided carbothermal reduction 真空碳热还原法无害化处理废弃阴极射线管锥玻璃的研究
With a cathode ray tube display device, when subject to static interference, it will cause the image disorders, blurred not ask. 带阴极射线管的显示设备,当受到静电干扰时,会引起图像紊乱,模糊不请。
Printing cathode ray tube 符号印刷阴极射线管
Method of Analysis on Spectrum of Information Electromagnetic Leakage from Cathode Ray Tube ( CRT) Displays 阴极射线管(CRT)显示器信息电磁泄漏频谱分析方法
The waste management pattern of industrial cluster was studied empirically by taking an example of Fuzhou Cathode Ray Tube ( CRT) cluster. 根据对福州开发区阴离子射线管(CRT)产业集群进行调查、访谈和统计分析,实证研究了该产业集群的废物产生特征和管理模式。
Field ion display ( FID) is a novel color flat panel display. It is expected that it can overcome the difficulties of field emission display ( FED) and conserve the high quality of color image and low cost of the cathode ray tube ( CRT). 场离子显示屏(FID)是一种既能克服场发射显示屏(FED)制作的困难,实现阴极射线显象管(CRT)平板化,又能保持CRT优质图象和低廉价格的新型彩色平板显示屏。
Principle and application of Modulation Transfer Function in Cathode Ray Tube Design 调制传递函数在阴极射线管设计中的理论和应用
This paper gives an introduction to three kinds of display: CRT ( Cathode Ray Tube), LCD ( Liquid Crystal Display), and PDP ( Plasma Display Panel); 本文介绍了显示器中常用的三种显示器件:CRT阴极射线管、LCD液晶和PDP等离子体。
Setting Cathode Ray Tube ( CRT) as an example, this paper gives an overview on how space charge effect influences electron beam spot size on the screen with respect to different cathode current. 以阴极射线管(CRT)为例,研究了在不同发射电流下空间电荷效应对荧光屏上电子束点大小的影响。